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Common Twitter Mistakes

Avoiding these common Twitter profile mistakes helps you build a stronger following!

Protected Tweets

An account set to private has its tweets protected. Privacy controls are VERY important for minors and personal accounts. But if you’re using Twitter as a business, your account must be public in order for people to find you and view your tweets.

  • An account that is set to private requires manual approval of each person who may view your tweets.
  • Your tweets are only viewable and searchable by your approved followers. People will have to request to follow you. If they don’t know your brand, chances are they may not send a request to follow.
  • Other users will not be able to retweet your tweets. Your tweets can only be retweeted if they are public.
  • You cannot reply to people who aren't following you. They will not be able to see your tweet because you have not given them permission.
  • Protected tweets do not appear on Google search. Protected tweets are only searchable on twitter by your approved followers.

No Links To Your Website

Another common mistake by brands on Twitter is not having a link available to their website, and more specifically a landing page with a call to action. Having a link to your website readily available to your followers on every social network is crucial. Think of it like a restaurant who advertises its delicious food and fails to provide their address. If you provide a product or service, your phone number, address or website url should be readily available to everyone. Don’t expect people to go searching for your information. Most people won’t go out of their way to search. When you place the information right in front of them, you have a higher chance that they will click on it.

No Profile Picture

Flo on Twitter

People want to see who they are interacting with. It is important to go beyond the faceless brand. Part of achieving brand loyalty is connecting with your followers. Interact with them on a personal level. Respond to their comments and posts. Let them know you’re listening. This is called humanising your brand. A good example of this is Flo the Progressive Insurance girl. She has become the face of a faceless Insurance Company. Here’s an example of how a company like Progressive Insurance didn’t just add a profile picture, they took it one step further, and humanised their brand.

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