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Tufel Media Makes Sure That Your Company is Properly CATEGORIZED!

Privacy Settings

Some people who don’t know how to properly use social media, have privacy settings on their Facebook posts set to allow only their friends to see their posts.

Facebook Nearby Search

Optimize for Mobile

It is extremely important that you optimize your Facebook Page for Mobile. This is especially important for local businesses. Mobile Facebook users search for local businesses on Facebook by Business Name and can also search by Category. Your business needs to be in the right Category. Your address needs to be added as well as your hours of operation. All of the fields in the Basic Information section on your Settings MUST be filled out for proper optimization. If you don’t have time to do this, we can do all of it for you.

How Do I Enter A Category and Basic Information?

Facebook Nearby

First, we can do this for you. Not only do we make sure that all the information is entered, but we check to make sure your company is properly categorized. One of the things you need to do is try Facebook while you’re nearby on a mobile phone to ensure that the map and directions are correct. This will ensure that consumers can find your company easily. When a customer is nearby, your business will show up on their Facebook and they will be able to “check-in” to your place of business. Their friends can see when they check-in to places. Optimizing your Facebook Page for Mobile makes it easy for people to find your business, and check-in. This allows their friends to see where they are and your business receives a “digital” word-of-mouth referral.

Get more information. Call Us Today (305) 306-7677
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